Welcome to the Birds – Vietnam 2015

03/08/2020 IMS



–          Raising awareness of protecting the environment, especially wild birds.

–          Improving knowledge about birds’ migration, and the need of preserving any site along their migratory flyway.

–          Observation and taking photos of many varieties of birds and natural scenes.

Time: the 1st trip will be held on 28-29 Nov 2015 and the 2nd trip will be held on 16-17 Jan 2016.

Location: Xuan Thuy National Park, Nam Dinh province.


On Saturday:

7:00 – 11:00    Travel from Hanoi to Xuan Thuy National Park.

11:30 – 13:00  Lunch time.

13:30 – 14:15  Conference.

  • The Opening of Welcome to the Birds 2015.
  • Birdwatching training and practice

14:30 – 17:30  Sightseeing the Park and joining “Xuan Thuy Birdathon” competition.

19:00 – 20:00  Dinner time.

20:00 – 21:00  Drawing competition.

On Sunday:

6:00 – 10:00    Sightseeing Ngan island, Lu island and joining “Xuan Thuy Birdathon” competition.

10:30 – 11:30  Summarise, all teams report about the trip and given prizes.

12:00 – 13:30  Lunch time.

14:00 – 17:00  Travel back to Hanoi.

Costs: This year, the trips will be run by the participants’ self-funding and supported by Viet Nature Conservation Centre.

– 1.000.000VND each participant (this fee includes rental for 1 night, 5 meals, water, travelling expenses on Hanoi – Xuan Thuy and Nam Dinh – Hanoi routes; boat transportation cost in Xuan Thuy, one T-shirt; the competition prizes, one bird expert’s and supporters’ attendance cost).

– To register your attendance, you have to pay in advance for the full cost of registration. If we receive your cancel attendance notification 10 days before the departure time, all fees will be refunded fully to the registrant. If the message is sent to us after the time, we will refund to the registrant 50% amount of the fee.

– If you have any inquiries about diet and food allergies, please register with Ms. Hoa.


– This activity is not a tour, so the cost does not include travel insurance;

– If the participant is under 18 years old, he/she must have a commitment of their parents/ guardian;

– In case a kid and the parent sleep in one bed, the cost is reduced 100,000 VND/kid;

– In case a kid under 3 years old and the parent seat in one car chair, the cost is reduced 130,000 VND/kid.

– Due to the limit of the number of seats in cars and rooms in Xuan Thuy National Park’s guest house, we intend to only get a maximum of 56 registrations per each event.

Register at:

Registration form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1y4TORgEqefVUrrDeYMS4y9J5sA2fDUlTAQ1byDeNVTE/viewform?usp=send_form

For more information, please contact with:

Ms. Do Minh Hoa, Viet Nature Conservation Centre.

Tel. +84 4 6278 1380 Mob. +84 (0) 9 8829 7604      Email: admin@thiennhienviet.org.vn

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